
The study of English is central to the learning and development of all young Australians. It helps create confident communicators, imaginative thinkers and informed citizens.

It is through the study of English that individuals learn to analyse, understand, communicate and build relationships with others and with the world around them.

Literacy learning at Merino Consolidated School involves developing a love and appreciation for language in many forms. Students learn to comprehend the ideas and information presented in fiction and non-fiction printed texts, as well as visual and digital media. As creators of texts, students learn to inform, persuade, discuss, argue, entertain, respond and reflect. Students develop the skills to listen to discussions, clarify content and challenge other’s ideas. They learn to make deliberate choices about language and visuals when communicating to various audiences.

While literacy permeates all areas of the curriculum, students are engaged in focused literacy learning in a daily two-hour literacy block that incorporates explicit teaching of the skills of Reading and Viewing, Speaking and Listening, and Writing. Based on the Victorian Curriculum, the literacy program at Merino Consolidated School aims to develop in children:

  • A knowledge of the ways in which language varies according to context, purpose, audience and content, and the capacity to apply this knowledge.
    • A knowledge of the linguistic patterns used to construct different texts and the capacity to apply this knowledge.
    • A broad knowledge of a range of texts and a capacity to relate this to aspects of contemporary society and personal experience.
    • The capacity to discuss and analyse texts.
    • A knowledge of the ways interpretation and understanding of texts may vary according to personal, social and cultural differences, and the capacity to develop reasoned arguments about interpretations and meanings.

Students are provided with a wide range of experiences and resources that will stimulate and enrich their language development. Teaching groups are fluid and flexible, and change according to need.